As my closest friends often remind me, I am “far from perfect.”
In my journal released yesterday I mistakenly identified Ismail Haniyeh, one of the world’s most despicable terrorists as the head of the Israeli Political Bureau. That was a typo. Given the hours I am keeping, my brain is not functioning properly. Most of you know Ismail Haniyeh is a notorious terrorist with the blood of thousands on his hands. He is the head of the Hamas political bureau and has called for the destruction of Israel. I apologize for the mistake and am correcting it on our website.
Secondly, I want to inform you the terrorists that broke into our village the night before last have been apprehended. They were “known” to the authorities and thank G-d, nobody was hurt. We keep thinking the worst is over, but when events such as these occur so close to home, we have to wonder what is next. When we moved to our village seven years ago, we left our doors open at night. Today we have lights around each home, security cameras, alarm systems and most families have dogs as well. We have three. In addition, most people in the village now have guns. We sleep with our front doors locked and our bedroom doors locked.
Finally, there was a rally yesterday in Los Angeles. An elderly man was hit on the head by a Hamas supporter with a megaphone and passed away: This is what I wrote about yesterday. I find these events on the streets of America, my beloved country, to be frightening as I am sure you do.
I am going to visit the families of several of the hostages in the next 48 hours. I will also be going to the second holiest city in the world to the Jewish faith, the city of Hebron which has been a flashpoint for years and years. We will be going to give “chizuk” – to strengthen the local families there. I will share with you my thoughts after these two critical visits later this week.
David at People for Israel
USA: +1.201.801.6440
Israel: +972.52.705.6300
Since October 7, 2023