Day VI – A Journal from the Holy Land


I have moved this journal to every other day.  There are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done and helping families is the most important task at hand now. 

Thursday:   Today is Day 6 of this life changing ordeal.  There are reasons for joy.  Miri smiled today.  She is the woman whose family we took in from Sderot.  The one that has been crying since she arrived.  When she smiled, I cried.   Tears are a funny thing.  I don’t cry a lot but we could not get the “treis” (window shutter) down over our main window.  On days like these when air raid sirens go off, you must have them closed.  I called the repairman and when he came in through our security gate, I collapsed in his arms and broke down in tears.  Unusual for me, but I am exhausted.  We are all exhausted. 

Our nation is pulling together and despite the fact that people are sending me hate mail (Hamas supporters), I take great joy in seeing the unity and compassion of people coming together to assist those of us enduring such pain right now.  Allow me to catch you up:  We wake up every morning after working a late night of guard duty.  First item:  Check the news.  The body count keeps climbing.  Now over 1200.  The hospitals have filled up and two of them have been struck by missiles from Hamas because it is not enough they have taken our lives and our children but now they want to take out our hospitals as well.  What have they given us?  Nightmares, chaos, death and trauma.  After checking the news, we check with friends.  How many funerals today?   We have two.  Why today if people were murdered on Saturday?  Because they are still finding bodies. 

Next is to check whatsapp.  I can only check messages for 30 minutes and the first ones I check are from families in need and soldiers that are protecting us.  If time permits, I also check the ones from friends.  I have been unable to respond to emails and my Mother would not be happy as I have failed to write thank you notes to those that have donated.  This was a fundamental tenet of my upbringing.  Always say, “Thank You.”  After whatsapp, make sure the dogs have water and then start phone conversation with those of us that have built our own supply lines.  What don’t we have time for?  You’d be amazed.  I have not showered nor changed my clothes since Sunday.  There is no time for intimacy or sitting and listening to music.  Even the hugs which my wife and I have always treasured have gone by the wayside as we have no time.  Yet my wife was sweet.  She told me she’s “never felt closer.”  That also made me cry.    

Yesterday I saw that Hamas denied in a press conference that babies heads had been cut off by their terrorists.  The BBC likes to call them “fighters.”  Give me a break.  It’s true.  We have sent our young people in to help collect the bodies.  Every one of these stories is true and we will not allow a terrorist organization to change the narrative.  The savagery is on a level one cannot imagine.  CNN now says they “cannot confirm babies were beheaded.”   Please hear me LOUD and CLEAR.  It is true.  I don’t know if it is important as death is death, but it is absolutely true.  Ask the families in communities like Kfar Aza.   Hamas is even posting videos of some of the killings which typically get taken down before too many can see them.  They are not shy about sharing their techniques.   

Then as if that was not enough, fears are growing about a terrorist attack in the north.  Ya’ gotta’ love neighbors.   And what a neighborhood!   Can we talk about good news?

Yesterday here is what we accomplished:   Purchased and delivered 300 mattresses to those that need.  Not sure if they are sleeping in bomb shelters or the ground.  I didn’t ask.  Delivered meals to a nursing home and families in Ashkelon, a beautiful city on the Mediterranean that – like Sderot – has been under constant missile attack.  My wife was worried about us going into the city so my son went.  I didn’t tell her.  Wait.  I think she may be on this email list.  Sent meals to 220 “soldiers.”  I put the word “soldiers” in quotes because I figure that if Hamas and the BBC wants to call terrorists “fighters,” we can call our 18 and 19 year old kids that are now protecting us “volunteers.”  That’s what they are.  They are kids that are being exposed to the very worst in humanity. 

What makes me crazy is while all this insanity prevails, my old synagogue at home – and many others across the USA, Europe and in other regions – have brought in “extra security” as they are getting threatened with terrorist attacks.  What is going on?  Hamas is calling for a “Global Mobilization” on Friday against “Jews” all over the world.  Well, that make sense.  They conduct a terrorist attack in Israel and kill over 1,000 people and then when we respond, they call for attacks on Jews in cities like Antwerp and Boise.  Huh? 

A friend of mine asked why all of the pictures I am sending out are of people smiling when there is so much tragedy.  You don’t want to see the other pictures.  Trust me.  Nor would I want to share them.  When we take a picture, people smile.  I will not raise money by showing pictures of women bleeding to death.  That is not something I will ever do. 

The support from friends like yourselves is amazing.  People keep asking how they can help so I’ll be candid.  There is a lot of misinformation out there.  Some people say, “There are plenty of goods to go around.”  Others say, “We have nothing.”  We have not even begun to talk about rebuilding the 22 or so communities that were destroyed, bombed and torched.  Here is the reality:  I am treating the donations very carefully.  We are NOT working through charities.  We are going directly to the source.  We are in touch with families and individuals directly to see what is needed.  These are friends of friends.  I started this effort Saturday night with eight people but as more people have heard about what we are doing, more requests come in and we are hardly in a position to say “No.”   Today I am getting requests for bulletproof vests (I cannot help with this), candles, flashlights, water, food, towels, coffee (Really?  We don’t have Starbucks nor Dunkin’ Donuts in Israel), letters/cards of support, underwear, socks, sanitary pads, batteries, pet food, shirts, blankets and shoes.  If it were me, I would be asking for a cold bottle of Chardonnay but I understand you are reading this and thinking it is not a time for humor. 

How can you help?

  1. Please donate.  We have spent far more than we have taken in.  You can donate in the USA via Zelle:  8453818180.   This is not tax-deductible and in the spirit of disclosure, goes to my bank account.  100% of the funds go to those in need.
  2. Please donate.   You can donate via credit card and this is tax deductible to a registered 501c3 charity.  Here is the link:  If you give here you must out the word “Rescue” in the subject line when making the donation or the funds will not be allocated properly.  We are not the only group they are assisting.  95% of the funds go to those in need. 
  3. Pray.  We believe in the power of prayer, Psalms and however we can get help from the One Above.
  4. Book a time with me to speak to your church or synagogue or civic group over ZOOM about our experience here.  Why is this important?  I feel compelled to share the real story with the world.  We want people to know what is happening here so this event does not repeat itself.  Awareness is a good thing. 
  5. Book a flight here.  I know this may sound crazy but please understand airlines have shut us down.  We cannot get in or out now.  Delta, United and American have all suspended flights.  El Al, our national airline may be an option, but you’ll need to check with them.  If people book flights, they will see there is still a demand.
  6. Send cards and pictures of support.  We’ll distribute them to people and soldiers and let them know they are not alone.    
  7. If you can find a way to Israel, bring a dufflebag of shirts, underwear, coffee.  Believe me, it will get used. 
  8. Spread the word.  Write your local politician and let them know Israel has a right to defend itself.  Let’s not underestimate the power of the USA.  If the USA asks Israel to “go easy on the response,” that is what will happen.  Let them know we cannot go easy when children are being slaughtered. 

Note:  As I am writing this, the air raid siren went off.  We are currently under a bomb attack in the area I live in.  Back to the shelter.  To my point above, Hamas is already sending video which they lifted from Facebook of families running to their bomb shelters in the City of Beit Shemesh. Yes, they are proud of what they are doing. 

I have returned to my laptop.  This is probably enough for today.  I have no agenda.  Just writing as things hit me.  If you want to be removed from this list, just let me know.  If you write me, I am reading your responses but do not have the time to respond to them all.  Please be patient with me.  In advance, thank you for whatever you can do.  Please also know this is not what I intend to keep doing.  I have a business to run and this is (hopefully) a short-term distraction done out of desperation. 

Ending on a happy note I was down south yesterday near the Kerem Shalom crossing on the Israeli/Gaza border.  The cars pulling up with supplies and prayerbooks and drawings from kids were amazing.  People crying, singing, hugging but people caring.    We feel the love.  We see the good through all of this, and we know there is a better tomorrow.  It just may take us some time to return to how we felt last Friday. 

Attached Pictures:

Ofri finally smiling and resting after several days.  He is one of the children from Sderot that is living with us.  Pictured with him is Honey, my Mom’s Dog.  He brings smiles to everyone.
Children making handmade cards for those down south
Getting ready for another delivery of water and sandwiches.  The picture is of the sandwich maker
Loading up 300 mattresses for delivery



David at People for Israel 

USA: +1.201.801.6440
Israel: +972.52.705.6300

Since October 7, 2023

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