Day XXXI – One Month – A Journal from the Holy Land

Kfir Bibas and Our Missing Children “Israel, Israel you can’t hide, we want Jewish genocide.”  This is the chant being heard on ivy league campuses, supposed bastions of American education.  There has been a shocking rise in anti-Semitic events at schools such as my alma mater, Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and in many cities […]

Day XXVII – A Journal From the Holy Land

Buckle Up In 1961, Wisconsin became the first state in the USA to require seatbelts in cars.  By the time I started driving, nobody was wearing them and they were really thought of as a nuisance.  Today, they have become mandatory in many countries around the world, Israel included.  I often forget to put mine […]

Day XVIII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Today is the 18th day of the war.  18 has a special significance in Judaism as it corresponds to the word “chai” meaning life.  We are contemplating our lives and the lives of our neighbors, our friends and all of G-d’s children a great deal lately.  I am certain not all cultures value life in the […]

Day XVI – A Journal from the Holy Land

My dear friend Conrad lives in Alabama and he says, “Don’t hate – Celebrate!”  I love those words, and I live by them.  He has this beautiful, warm smile that lights up a room and somehow when he says those words, you just feel good all over.  But what if you feel hated?  Then what?  […]

Day XIII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Friends: The Sabbath is about to descend upon us.  The Jewish Sabbath begins Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown.  Almost a 25-hour break from the insanity of the world.  Senator Joe Lieberman wrote a book years ago called the Gift of Rest which explains it well.  Everything comes to a halt.  Everything……work, television, […]

Day XI – A Journal from the Holy Land

Last night it occurred to me that I might die. I suppose we all know our time will come. It’s hard not to feel like the walls are closing in on you here. Remember the scene in Star Wars where Princess Leia, Hans Solo, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker are stuck in a garbage chute as […]

IX – A Journal from the Holy Land

Friends: I meant to write yesterday but could not because of the (Jewish) Sabbath and then as soon it was over, our team was back into action.  I have to be honest.  I slept for 13 hours and actually took time out to hold my wife’s hand.  We had not done this in a week […]

Day VI – A Journal from the Holy Land

Friends: I have moved this journal to every other day.  There are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done and helping families is the most important task at hand now.  Thursday:   Today is Day 6 of this life changing ordeal.  There are reasons for joy.  Miri smiled today.  She is the […]

Day IV – A Journal from the Holy Land

Friends: We are 35 miles from the Gaza Strip.  The Gaza Strip was a beautiful, coastal enclave which Israel left in 2005.  All twenty-one villages were vacated and the bountiful land which provided more than 60% of the produce for the entire nation of Israel was turned over to the Palestinians.  The people of the […]

Day III – A Journal from the Holy Land 

I don’t think I can do this justice but I will try – for those that are interested – to give you an update of what is going on here and how much our life has changed in the last 60+ hours.  First, the numbers are meaningless at this point as the sorrow is too […]