Day LXVII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Hugs When I was a teenager, my Mother of blessed memory and I used to watch Dr. Leo Buscaglia on the Public Broadcasting Network  Mom taught me so much about love.  Love for a stranger, love for animals, love for friends, love for children and love for a spouse.  I attribute most of my positive […]

Day LXIII – A Journal from the Holy Land 

Context When I applied to the University of Pennsylvania in 1987, I was turned down.  My second choice at the time, Carnegie Mellon, accepted me and I graduated in three years.  It turns out they did me a favor.  The 30th President of Harvard Claudine Gay and the ninth President of the University of Pennsylvania Elizabeth […]

Day LVII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Awoken Once Again At 6:30 AM on Saturday, October 7th we were awakened by air raid sirens as missiles began to reign upon the Holy Land.  At 5:45 AM on Friday, December 1st we were awakened by our rocket app.   And so it began.  Once again.   A rocket app is installed on all of our cell phones […]

Day LIII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Hotel Hamas Apparently, Hotel Hamas gets a five-star review on Trip Advisor.  I’ve stayed at the Motel 6, and I’ve stayed at the Ritz Carlton.  Never have I seen such reviews!  Hamas sent out a letter yesterday (Monday) purportedly written by Danielle Aloni.  Danielle and her five-year-old daughter Emilia were taken hostage by Hamas on […]

Day L – A Journal from the Holy Land

Welcome Home 50 Days.  The Sabbath has ended and we cannot get enough information about those coming home:  Adina Moshe, 72, a grandmother from Kibbutz Nir Oz.  Aviv Asher, 2; Raz Asher, 5; and their mother Doron Asher; Margalit Moses, 78; Amelia Aloni, 6 along with her mother Danielle Aloni.  Ohad Munder, 9 whose video […]

Day XLVI – A Journal from the Holy Land

Loss The greatest pain a parent can experience is the loss of a child.  When we lost our son in 2021, our world crashed.  It impacts everything.  The sanctity of your marriage, your friendships, your faith in G-d, your performance at work and it becomes a crash course in emotional whiplash.   At times, some question […]

Day XLIV – A Journal from the Holy Land

The Loss of a “Tzaddik” (Righteous Man) When Barack Obama ran for President his campaign slogan was “Change We Can Believe In.”  It was an effective slogan.  If we had one in Israel today I would call it, “Change We Cannot Believe.”  The truth is I predicted this.  It’s something I have not shared with […]

XLII – Six Weeks – A Journal from the Holy Land

Lessons: When I had young children in school I taught them to never raise a fist first.  Never.  It was forbidden in my home.  It was forbidden in school.  It was forbidden everywhere.  I also taught them that if someone strikes you first, you hit back with a vengeance.  You may not agree with my […]

Day XL – A Journal from the Holy Land

The Wonder of 40 Forty days is a long time.  It is also an important number.  When Noah was on the Ark, the flood lasted 40 days (Genesis 7:12).  In Christianity, Lent is observed for 40 days until the celebration of Easter.  Before G-d gave Moses the Ten Commandments, Moses was called to Mt. Sinai […]

Day XXXII – One Month – A Journal from the Holy Land

Friends: As my closest friends often remind me, I am “far from perfect.”    In my journal released yesterday I mistakenly identified Ismail Haniyeh, one of the world’s most despicable terrorists as the head of the Israeli Political Bureau.  That was a typo. Given the hours I am keeping, my brain is not functioning properly.  Most […]