Day CXC – A Journal from the Holy Land

Friends: It has been some time since I have communicated with you.  Five months after the attack of October 7th, it was time to return to real life.  Some – not most – of the international airlines had returned to our skies and many in the news media had decided to forget that Israel was […]

Day CXXXII – A Journal from the Holy Land

It Would Have Been Enough At the Passover Seder we have many songs we sing.  Our table is always filled with people of different faiths and nationalities as we have always viewed it as the “Jewish Thanksgiving.”  I’m not sure that is what G-d intended although I don’t claim to speak for the One Above.  […]

Day CXXI – A Journal from the Holy Land

Puttin’ on the Ritz I remember one occasion when my second son was young.  One moment he was holding my hand, and the next he was gone.  The sheer panic that pulsed through my body was unlike anything I have ever felt.  This particular child was the one.  The one that always walked off……always wandered […]

Day CX – A Journal from the Holy Land

Simple Math 136 hostages remain inside Gaza, 19 are women and two are children.  We pray every day, multiple times a day for their release.  While I do not know of any of them personally, I have friends that know several of them and I have met many people related to them.   It is difficult […]

Day CVII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Deep Thoughts Jack Handey and Lorne Michaels (Saturday Night Live) worked together from 1991- 1998 when SNL brought Jack’s one-liners to thousands of Americans.  Lorne’s decision to feature Handey’s humor through interstitial segments made Handey a household name.  For those unfamiliar with the work of Jack Handey, this was a typical SNL skit of his: or […]

Day C – A Journal from the Holy Land

Children, Sports and the Loss of Innocence Day 100.  136 hostages still being held in Gaza and if you were to look at my calendar, it’s hard to tell if I had more meetings or more funerals the past several days.    The Sabbath attacks continue.  On Friday evening, three terrorists breached the security fence […]

Day XCVI – A Journal from the Holy Land

No Good Choices You are in a pitch-black area.  As your eyes adjust to the smoky air and the deafening booms you see a twinkle of light in the distance.  Rubble surrounds you, and your thick boots protect your feet from the shards of glass, shrapnel and sharp, metallic objects scattered all across the earth.  […]

Day LXXXVI – A Journal from the Holy Land 

Why I Never Wanted to be an Ostrich In 1967 there were 394,000 people in Gaza.  In 1990 there were 776,000 people in Gaza.  Most estimates hold there are approximately 2,000,000 people there today.  For those crazies yelling that Israel wants genocide in Gaza, the numbers tell a different story.  Israel is doing its utmost […]

Day LXXXII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Operation Keep Them Warm Christmas has just passed in the Holy Land, and we took a break by spending the day in Tel Aviv.  Tel Aviv is the largest metropolitan area in Israel, a bustling city on the shores of the Mediterranean.  People from all over the world are found on her streets including from […]

Day LXXIV – A Journal from the Holy Land

Scars According to our friends at Brittanica, Terrorism is defined as:  “The calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state […]