Day LXXXII – A Journal from the Holy Land

Operation Keep Them Warm

Christmas has just passed in the Holy Land, and we took a break by spending the day in Tel Aviv.  Tel Aviv is the largest metropolitan area in Israel, a bustling city on the shores of the Mediterranean.  People from all over the world are found on her streets including from countries such as the Sudan, Ecuador, Yemen, Thailand, South Africa, the Netherlands and Mexico to name a few.  It’s hard to know when one goes to a restaurant in Tel Aviv if you should feel happy to “get away from it all” or sad because outside the city’s doors so many people are suffering.  82 days into the war and even here, in another city that never sleeps, the rockets are still coming.  I have stopped asking when rockets will cease being fired at this land.  There just seems to be no end in sight.  Missiles from Gaza, drones from Yemen, trajectiles from Lebanon, unknown aircraft from who knows where…….it’s getting old.  I spent Christmas day celebrating my friend Alvan’s birthday.  He is from Chicago, and one of the kindest most warm-hearted people I have ever met.  He loves this land and comes here with his amazing wife for three months every year.  They take in the people, drink in the air and enjoy a new vintage or two.  I’m not sure if this visit feels different to him, but he understands more than most what we are doing.  In Judaism, we’re taught that when we give it should be with a whole heart.  If you give begrudgingly, it takes away from the act of charity.  Again today someone asked me that question I hate…..”Why doesn’t the Israeli government provide for everyone?  Why do you need to give out food and supplies?”   It’s almost easier to lie.  Just tell them things got “lost” in the supply chain.  Yet, it’s not true.  Israel was just not prepared.  Not for an attack of this scale.  I’ll say it again and again, but the question keeps getting asked.  Alvan ignores all this.  He writes a check and says, “Spend this where you need to.  You know the best thing to do with it.”  

His faith in me is, of course, due to our decades of friendship.  However, it is more than that.  He knows I don’t want to be doing this.  I do it because I have to.  It’s a void that must be filled.  It’s just one of those things that you do because you want to give back to so many that have helped along the way.  Nobody wants to see suffering.  Well, almost nobody.  Hamas may be the exception.  However, when you see it all around you there are only two choices and jumping in to assist must be the wiser one.  We’re getting more calls from people.  Colder days are setting in and sleeping bags, thermals, coats (see attached) and gloves are needed.  Every time our little supply area gets filled up with supplies, they are gone within hours.  Thursday and Friday are still the biggest days for food, and the holidays haven’t slowed the need. 

Many of my friends tell me they have shut out the news.  They say they just can’t take it anymore.  Some feel it is better to just shut it off if you can’t change it.  I don’t necessarily agree, but I understand the motives.  Life is fairly stressful here.  Let’s put it in perspective.  The NY Times, a horrible paper if you ask me, recently brought back Soliman Hijjy, a man they had recently terminated for praising Hitler!  At the same time the Gray Lady ran an editorial from Mayor Yahya Sarraj (that first name sounds familiar) from Gaza City.  Yahya is a leader in Hamas and must have gotten his kicks that the NY Times gave him a platform to defend his hatred of the Jewish people and Israel.  The United Nations rewrote a map showing supplies coming directly from Jordan into Gaza.  The only problem with this is Jordan doesn’t border Gaza and where precisely did Israel go?  Then there’s the Red Cross, an esteemed and noble organization founded 160 years ago by Henry Dunant.  While his intentions must have been good, do you think ol’ Henry ever imagined this:  We have heard numerous reports of Red Cross officials refusing to do their jobs and refusing to assist Israelis being held hostage.  How about the UNRWA?  This is the relief agency for the UN, and they are storing bombs and grenades for Hamas.  Why?  How does this happen?  It happens because the people running the Red Cross and UNRWA in Gaza are Hamas supporters.   Much like the government of Qatar, these are not exactly unbiased parties!  The stories are not new.  This one is from 2014:  This one from 2015:  So why are we surprised when we see videos like this?  The bottom line is none of this is new.  It’s a long-standing tradition of UNRWA, and it has been going on for years.  As it has for the Red Cross.  As it has for the NY Times and so on.   So I understand when people say, “I just can’t watch the news anymore.”   I think the illustration below (see Photo #1) illustrates this quite well.

What really scared me recently was this video from San Francisco State University.  Some have watched this video and said, “This can’t be real.”   No my friends, this is real.  Take a look and judge for yourself:  It’s not just the Ivy League.  It’s endemic.

I digress.  Right now our priority must be on keeping people warm.  I can’t worry 24/7 about all of the craziness in the world.  What I do know is there are people in need of help, and we have got to do our part.  If you’re reading this journal, my guess is you have probably already donated to People for Israel.  If not, feel free to tell me why.  I can’t respond to every email, but I am genuinely interested in hearing your opinion.  My sense is people don’t talk to each other anymore.  They surround themselves with people that think like they do, and many are afraid to engage in a little friendly discourse.  In any case, if you know of someone – one person – that might support our work, please feel free to add them to our mailing list at the bottom of the home page here:  If they might consider donating to help those in need, we’d be grateful.  Operation Keep Them Warm is up and running, and we have pages and pages of names on our waiting list. 

I hope the joys of the season illuminate your home with miracles and blessings, and I pray the Lord Above will bring peace to this region and to all of us around the world.  Your prayers, your support and your thoughts mean so much to us. 

Wishing you the very best of the holiday season!  G-d bless you and yours!


Today’s Photos:

East or West?  Eyes Wide Shut:  Two Different Perspectives
Shema Yisroel:  The Lord our G-d, the Lord is One! We saw this billboard during our visit to Tel Aviv.  For those that have been to Tel Aviv, perhaps you understand how significant this is. 
Never before would you have seen a billboard like this in Tel Aviv.  Now?  Absolutely! 
This is our latest campaign.  Please help us by asking a friend of two to donate.  The need is truly urgent.  Operation Keep Them Warm

At People for Israel, we are helping people across the Holy Land.  By providing transportation to those in need, helping to enhance security in our most vulnerable communities, providing food and supplies to those in need – we are trying to do our part.  When a donation is received, we utilize these funds generally within 24 – 48 hours and respond to requests we have received from across the country.    Please consider giving a donation here:, or asking us to speak to your church, synagogue or civic group allows us to share what is really going on here.  Signing up for our journal at or subscribe to our YouTube channel here:


David at People for Israel 

USA: +1.201.801.6440
Israel: +972.52.705.6300

Since October 7, 2023

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