Day III – A Journal from the Holy Land 

I don’t think I can do this justice but I will try – for those that are interested – to give you an update of what is going on here and how much our life has changed in the last 60+ hours.  First, the numbers are meaningless at this point as the sorrow is too great but we are hearing there could be more than 1000 dead.  Some even say 1200.  Thousands injured and in hospitals.  Lord knows how many missing.  Rockets falling on our heads 24 hours/day.  You can all be very proud of your team here.  Our children are packing food for those that do not have, sending clothing to those that are without, donating blood and volunteering in any capacity they can.  What is beyond my comprehension is that there are babies that have been kidnapped and taken from their parents by Hamas and people in Gaza are cheering as women and children taken as hostages.  How has life changed?  Allow me to share my story. It is not unique……Several times a day (and night) we run to the bomb shelter.  We have between 30 – 45 seconds to get there when an air raid siren goes off.  I am now working overnight as a volunteer security guard to ensure the 140 families of our village are safe and I patrol along with three other volunteers.  In the morning after we come home we pack sandwiches, underwear, baby wipes, bottles of water, first aid supplies and batteries which we then drive two hours south for distribution.  We have taken in a family that immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia that are now living with us.  We have never met them before and they do not speak English. What we do know is their home has been rocketed and the father sent them here as it was no longer safe for his family in their city so he sent his four children and his wife to live with an “adopted family.”  Their uncle, a policeman, was gunned down by one of the terrorists on Saturday and died from his wounds.  They did not have time to mourn as their safety was paramount.   Three of my children and my son ‘n law have now been called up and are working around the clock to help the rescue effort.  When do we sleep?  Rarely.  I am not complaining.  I am trying to paint a picture.  We are devastated by what we have seen but we will join together to help one another.  The stories and the images are not to be believed.  I was on guard duty last night, and my partner was telling me how his best friend’s son was shot.  A Rabbi we all know was volunteering and providing first aid to a woman that had been shot when a terrorist killed him as well…..all he was trying to do was to save someone’s life…..a woman he did not know.  A 60 year old grandfather personally saved his grandchildren by going into a house and fighting the terrorists.  It feels like we are living in a horror movie.  The news does not do it justice.  In closing, many have asked what they can do to help.

I am not asking you to do anything but if you want to help, here are ways:

1)  If you are in Israel – give blood.  There is a massive blood shortage.  

2) If you can donate any money whether it is $10.00 or $1000.00 feel free to send it.  You can Zelle me at #8453818180 and I promise you 100% of it will be used to purchase food, water, feminine products, baby wipes, deodorant, hygiene products, clothing, first aid, medicines etc.  I will personally go out to purchase these products and will hand deliver them to the families and soldiers down south.  Yes, there are organizations raising money but I assure you 100% is not going to the families. Our efforts is a family effort.  Just trying to do our part.    

3) Pray.  We believe in the power of prayer whether it be through Psalms or your own prayer or any means you deem appropriate.    

4) Spread the word when you read misinformation.  We were attacked in our sleep.  Our country was invaded.  Our children are being butchered.  This is a fact.  It is NOT a political statement.   

5) Write letters to your political leaders asking for their help.  We need the world to help us now and not stand by.  

I thank you for taking the time to read this and I ask G-d for mercy on behalf of Israel.




David at People for Israel 

USA: +1.201.801.6440
Israel: +972.52.705.6300

Since October 7, 2023

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